Helpful hints & tips

How to Choose Children's Toothpaste
Choosing the right toothpaste for children is an important step in protecting their oral health. Here are several key factors to consider when selecting children's toothpaste: Age appropriateness...
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3 top tips for creating good dental habits in kids
For kids, brushing teeth is not always the most exciting way to spend 5 minutes of time. There’s often a multitude of exciting things to do all around them, or a bed to jump into, so spending time...
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5 Nutrient Rich Foods That Develop Great Dental Health
Part of modern living is the accessibility to quick and convenient on the go food for both kids and adults. Unfortunately, this food often lacks the essential nutrients that help develop strong imm...
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Colour in - and Win! Share your work of art with us and stand a chance to win a prize!
1. Right click and save the image 2. Print these out using an A4 paper and fill it up however you like 3. Share the work with us on Instagram to win a prize!
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Why you need to give your kids probiotic toothpaste!
You may already have heard the lowdown on probiotics – take them as a tablet or powder for maintaining healthy bacteria and promoting good gut health. But what does this have to do with oral health...
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What causes cavities and how can we avoid them?
If you’ve ever had to have a filling at the dentist, you’ll know that having cavities is no fun. Cavities, or holes in the teeth, are caused by tooth decay which is commonly related to diet and ora...
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How to brush your little one’s teeth without the fight!
If you’ve found yourself dreading teeth-brushing time because it’s become a twice-daily battle with your child, it might just be time to change up your strategy. Making brushing a fun, playful expe...
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