5 Nutrient Rich Foods That Develop Great Dental Health
Part of modern living is the accessibility to quick and convenient on the go food for both kids and adults. Unfortunately, this food often lacks the essential nutrients that help develop strong immune health, metabolic health, and bone health. For children this is imperative, as they are in the growth and development phase of their lives, so the nutrients they consume now (or lack of) form the foundations or build blocks of their future health.
Dental health is significantly impacted by this, whether it be bone and tooth density, bone structure, gum health or tongue health.
Here are 5 nutrient rich foods that are proven to be advantageous for great dental health, assisting in the development of great teeth and gums in kids.
Leafy greens
High in calcium, packed with additional vitamins and minerals – no need to say more. The go to examples is always spinach and kale, but its not often that you’ll get a kid to enjoy them as is, so the best suggestion we always come back to is including them in an afternoon smoothie. Remember chewing promotes the removal of bacteria, so always make sure you have chunky elements in your smoothie – adding in some cacao nibs can work wonders!
High fibre, high water content fruits and vegetables
Best snacks to have in the house. The chewing and saliva production that’s stimulated when eating cleans, freshens breath and removes bacteria. Apples, pears, carrots, cucumbers & celery are good examples, with many more seasonally specific variations available within your local area, like oranges, melons and mangoes.
High protein foods
Red meat, white meat and seafood offer high density sources of protein, and include a wide array of essential vitamins and nutrients all aiding in the development of strong bones and teeth (calcium) and strong tooth enamel. Nuts are also a wonderful source of protein, with the likes of almonds being a great addition (always consider nut allergies prior to use). High Omega 3 seafood such as Salmon has the added benefit of being rich in Omega fatty acids, which are building blocks to brain growth and health – perfect for any growing child!
High calcium foods
Often found in dairy, such as cheese, milk and yogurts, high calcium foods are nutritional powerhouses when it comes to bone density and enamel strength. Cheese has been known to increase Ph levels in the mouth, fighting off bacteria and reducing cavities, while yogurt is a good source of probiotics that stimulate beneficial bacteria. If dairy is not your thing, then Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are a wonderfully rich source of calcium that offer a plant-based option to meet differing dietary needs or requirements.
Ok, so its not a food, but there’s a multitude of reasons why water makes the list. Water is one of our best cleaning agents, working in and around our mouths to help clean out excess food particles stuck between the teeth and gums. It also takes kids away from the alternatives for hydration, namely carbonated or fruit based sugary drinks and sweetened beverages. These products have the opposite effect on dental health, lingering on teeth and forming cavities – not something you want to start promoting early in life.
Promoting the consumption of healthy foods and beverages is all part of the growth process. It sets up your kids for optimal immune, cognitive and metabolic development, while forming consumption habits that will protect them well into the future. Once they get away from the high sugar, high carbohydrate foods, they’ll love the delicious flavours these food varieties offer too!